Safe handling

We prioritize the safety of your operators. During the work process, many accidents can occur, including those related to lifting, such as:


  • Insufficient vacuum
  • Telescoping rolls
  • The ability to unload while the product is still in the air


Therefore, all our handlers are designed to prevent these issues.


  • Our vacuum handling equipment will only lift when a secure vacuum is established
  • We offer options that not only enhance operation but also improve safety
  • Our handlers can only unload products when sufficient counterpressure is detected, ensuring it is safe to unload
Stationary Safety: brake on handler

Stationary Safety: brake on handler

The brake on balancer is a safety function that we install on the air balancers. The air balancer is the muscle behind the system, which ensures that the LiftAssist can move through the rail and can move up and down. We mount a brake on this balancer, making sure that the LiftAssist remains safely stationary when not in use, so no unsafe situations can occur.

Smooth Transitions: Safety with Balance Mode

Smooth Transitions: Safety with Balance Mode

The Balance mode is an optional function that ensures that rolls can be lifted easily and safely from an shaft. When a roll is lifted from a horizontal position of an shaft, the ballast of the roll shifts, from the shaft to the roll handler. Due to the sudden weight, the handler including roll can sink down. This creates an unsafe situation. The balance mode gives a preset back pressure per batch. This keeps the roll in a horizontal balance when it detaches from the shaft, without the handler with roll sinking down. This creates a safe workplace, with the added benefit of improving the efficiency of the lifting process.



Dotec LiftAssits are designed and build under strict CE legislation and therefore provide high and durable quality connected with safe working conditions for the operator. Certified Manuals are provided.



VCA (SCC) stands for SHE (Safety, Health and Environment) Checklist Contractors.
Dotec as a whole and our employees individually are VCA 2017/6.0 certified.
The safety management system applies to the manufacture, installation and maintenance of liftassists.